As part of our ongoing service to you it is important that we hold regular reviews to ensure that you remain on track to achieve your goals and objectives.

To streamline this process we have created a online version to gather some of the information required to carry out these reviews remotely. It shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete.

We just need a few details about you to ensure our records are up to date.

  • Your Details
  • Personal Circumstances
  • Attitude to Risk Questionnaire
  • You are nearly finished

Client one details

Is this up to date?

Client Two details (If applicable)

Is your address same as Client One?

Is this up to date?


Have there been any material changes to your circumstances? (Not limited to these examples)

Client objectives

Have these changed since we last spoke?


Just need to answer a few questions.

People who know me describe me as a cautious person

I feel comfortable about investing in the stock market

I generally look for the safer investments, even if that means lower returns

Usually it takes me a long time to make up my mind on financial matters

I associate the word “risk” with the idea of “opportunity”

I generally prefer bank deposits to riskier investments

I find investment matters easy to understand

I’m willing to take substantial investment risk to earn substantial returns

I’ve little experience of investing in stocks, shares or investment funds

I tend to be anxious about the investment decisions I’ve made

I’d rather take my chances with higher risk investments than have to save more

I’m not comfortable with the ups and downs of stockmarket investments

Annual Review

Do you wish to have a Annual Suitability review this year?

If yes, What would be your preferred method